Month: December 2019

Egypt Says 22 Killed in Road Crash in Country’s North

Health authorities say about two dozen people, mostly laborers, were killed Saturday when a minibus collided with a truck on a highway in Port Said in northern Egypt.

Officials said in a statement that the minibus, a vehicle widely used in Egypt as communal taxis, was bringing the laborers from a garment factory in Port Said. The city is around 200 kilometers (around 125 miles) north of the capital, Cairo.

At least 22 people were killed in the crash, which took place on a highway linking the cities of Port Said and Damietta, the statement said. The workers were from Damietta.

Eight others were injured, some of them severely. All the victims were taken to nearby hospitals and morgues for treatment and identification, the statement said.

Egypt has a history of serious bus and car crashes because of speeding, careless driving, poor road conditions and poor enforcement of traffic laws.

The country’s official statistics agency says more than 8,000 road accidents took place in 2018, leaving more than 3,000 dead and around 12,000 injured.

US Astronaut Sets Record for Longest Spaceflight by a Woman

A U.S. astronaut set a record Saturday for the longest single spaceflight by a woman, breaking the old mark of 288 days with about two months left in her mission.

Christina Koch, a 40-year-old electrical engineer from Livingston, Montana, arrived at the International Space Station on March 14. She broke the record set by former space station commander Peggy Whitson in 2016-2017.

Koch is expected to spend a total of 328 days, or nearly 11 months, on board the space station before returning to Earth. Missions are typically six months, but NASA announced in April that it was extending her mission until February.

The U.S. record for longest space flight is 340 days set by Scott Kelly in 2015-2016. The world record is 15 months set in the 1990s by a Russian cosmonaut aboard the former Mir space station.

Koch’s extended mission will help NASA learn about the effects of long spaceflights, data that NASA officials have said is needed to support future deep space exploration missions to the Moon and Mars.

Before breaking the endurance record for a woman in space, Koch set another milestone as part of the first all-female spacewalking team in October. It was Koch’s fourth spacewalk.

She previously said she took a lot of helpful advice from Kelly’s 2017 autobiography “Endurance.”

Sudan, Rebels, Agree Plan to End Conflict in Darfur

The Sudanese government and nine rebel groups on Saturday signed an agreement on a roadmap towards ending the bloody conflict in the Darfur region.

The deal outlines different issues the parties will need to negotiate during the latest round of talks in Juba.

“We believe this is an important step,” said Ahmed Mohamed, the chief negotiator on Darfur matters from the Sudan Revolutionary Front or SRF, a coalition of nine rebel groups involved in talks with the Sudanese government.

“This step no doubt will help the process to achieve a lasting peace in Darfur and also it will enable the transitional process in Sudan to move smoothly without hindrances,” Mohamed told AFP.

map of Darfur
map of Darfur

Among the issues they agreed need to be tackled are the root causes of the conflict, the return of refugees and internally displaced people, power sharing and the integration of rebel forces into the national army.

The deal also states that the Sudanese government will address land issues, such as the destruction of property during the conflict.

Khartoum has been negotiating with different rebel groups in the capital of South Sudan for two weeks, in the latest round of efforts to end conflicts in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

Rebels in these areas fought bloody campaigns against marginaliZation by Khartoum under ousted president Omar al-Bashir.

The Darfur fighting broke out in 2003 when ethnic minority rebels took up arms against Bashir’s Arab-dominated government.

Human rights groups say Khartoum targeted suspected pro-rebel ethnic groups with a scorched earth policy, raping, killing, looting and burning villages.

Bashir, who is behind bars for corruption and awaiting trial on other charges, is wanted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague for his role in the conflict that left around 300,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced, according to the United Nations.

However, there is fresh hope for peace after Sudan’s transitional government, led by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, made peace in these areas a priority.

“We failed to achieve a lasting peace for Darfur simply because the previous government was not ready to take strategic decisions to resolve the conflict in Darfur,” said Mohamed who has been involved in previous failed peace talks.

General Samsedine Kabashi, the top Sudanese government representative at the talks said: “We are committed to ending all the problems in Darfur and ensuring that we restore peace and stability not only in Darfur but across all parts of the country.”

The peace process began in August and mediators aim to reach a final deal by February 2020.

Посла Росії викликали до МЗС Польщі через висловлювання Путіна

Посла Росії у Варшаві Сергія Андрєєва в п’ятницю викликали в Міністерство закордонних справ Польщі через останні заяви президента Росії Володимира Путіна на адресу Польщі в контексті обставин початку Другої світової війни.

Заступник міністра закордонних справ Польщі Марцін Пшидач зазначив, що влада країни передала російському послу рішучий протест проти «історичних інсинуацій» Путіна та інших російських високопосадовців. За словами заступника міністра, останні заяви з Москви засновані на «сталінському історичного наративі» і пропаганді тоталітаризму.

МЗС Польщі раніше виступив із заявою, в якій наголошував, що СРСР у 1939 році був союзником гітлерівської Німеччини, а Польща – її жертвою.

Російський посол за підсумками бесіди в МЗС Польщі сказав, що вона була «жорстка, але цілком коректна». Він визнав, що мова йшла про виступи Путіна, і при цьому сказав, що Росія «нікому не дозволить читати їй нотації».

Путін в останні дні кілька разів висловився на тему початку Другої світової війни, політики Польщі та СРСР у передвоєнні роки, та пакту Молотова-Ріббентропа. Зокрема він говорив про це на підсумковій пресконференції, потім на саміті СНД і на колегії Міноборони Росії. Путін, зокрема, звинуватив Польщу у співпраці з Німеччиною під час поділу Чехословаччини, назвав польського посла в Берліні «антисемітською свинею» і виправдовував радянське вторгнення в Польщу у вересні 1939 року, повторюючи тези радянської пропаганди про те, що польський уряд тоді фактично не керував країною. Висловлювання Путіна викликали різку реакцію Польщі.

Земан поставив під сумнів свій візит до Москви у травні 2020 року

Президент Чеської Республіки Мілош Земан не виключає, що запланований на травень наступного року візит до Москви на відзначення 75-ліття перемоги над нацизмом у Другій світовій війні, може не відбутись.

До цього може призвести заява російського міністерства закордонних справ, в якій Москва поставилась негативно до рішення Чехії визнати в календарі знаменних і памятних дат країни день 21 серпня «Днем пам’яті жертв вторгнення і наступної окупації (Чехословацької соціалістичної Республіки) військами Варшавського договору в 1968 році». 

«Прагнення Праги знову повертатись до подій півстолітньої давності з метою включити їх до сучасного політичного контексту, небажання перегорнути цю сторінку історії, котра затьмарує атмосферу російсько-чеських відносин, навряд чи сприятиме успішному перебігу двосторонньої співпраці», – мовиться, зокрема, в заяві МЗС Росії.

На думку Мілоша Земана, така заява російського МЗС є «абсолютним зухвальством». «Деякий час тому я прийняв запрошення президента Путіна відзначити 75-х роковини перемоги у Другій світовій війні, а зараз думаю або туди взагалі не їхати, або ж, що скоріше за все мабуть зроблю, туди поїхати і сказати росіянам, а що як би ви перегорнули сторінку і перестали собі ці роковини згадувати?» – зазначив Мілош Земан в інтерв’ю інтернет-виданню «Parlamentní listy». 

За даними чеського Інституту з вивчення тоталітарних режимів внаслідок окупації Чехословаччини військом Варшавського договору лише до кінця 1968 року загинуло 137 чехів і словаків, ще 500 були тяжко, а сотні – легко поранені. 

У столиці Сомалі стався вибух: десятки загиблих

У столиці Сомалі Могадішо вранці стався вибух на людному контрольно-пропускному пункті. Бомба була закладена в автомобілі, повідомляє агентство Associated Press.

За словами представника уряду, загинули щонайменше 30 людей, але кількість загиблих може зрости, адже кількість поранених перевищує 60, серед них є діти.

В той же час член парламенту Сомалі Абдиризак Мухаммед заявляє про понад 90 загиблих, серед 17 поліцейських, 73 цивільних та четверо іноземців.


Наразі відповідальності за вибух на себе не взяла жодна організація.

Officials: US Civilian Contractor Killed in Attack on Iraq Base

A U.S. civilian contractor was killed in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base near the oil-rich city of Kirkuk Friday, U.S. officials said.

Several U.S. service members and Iraq personnel were also wounded, the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State said in a statement, adding that Iraqi security forces would be leading the response and investigation into the attack.

U.S. officials said, on condition of anonymity, that the service members were lightly wounded and believed to be back on duty.

One official said the United States was looking into the possible involvement of Kataib Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Shi’ite Muslim militia group.

Links to Iran?

In December, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Iranian-backed forces for a series of attacks on bases in Iraq and warned Iran that any attacks by Tehran or proxies that harmed Americans or allies would be “answered with a decisive U.S. response.”

Tensions have heightened between Tehran and Washington since last year when President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with six powers and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy.

Since then Washington has blamed Iran for attacks on oil tankers this summer, including off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, and a major strike on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia.

Iran has denied being behind the attacks.

Free Syrian Army fighters prepare a Katyusha rocket launcher before firing towards forces loyal to Syria's president Bashar Al…
FILE – Free Syrian Army fighters prepare a Katyusha rocket launcher before firing in the al-Arbaeen mountain area of western Idlib, Syria, April 19, 2015.

No claim of responsibility

The Iraqi military said in a statement earlier Friday that several rockets were launched into Iraq’s K1 military base, which houses U.S. and Iraqi forces.

Security sources said security forces found a launchpad for Katyusha rockets inside an abandoned vehicle near the base.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Islamic State militants operating in the area have turned to insurgency-style tactics aimed at bringing down the government in Baghdad ever since it retook all territory and declared victory against them in December 2017.

Attacks gather pace

However, a senior U.S. military official said this month that attacks by Iranian-backed groups on bases hosting U.S. forces in Iraq were gathering pace and becoming more sophisticated, pushing all sides closer to an uncontrollable escalation.

His warning came two days after four Katyusha rockets struck a base near Baghdad international airport, wounding five members of Iraq’s elite Counter-Terrorism Service, the latest in a spate of rocket strikes on bases hosting members of the U.S.-led coalition whose objective is to defeat Islamic State insurgents.

The K1 base, which lies 15 km (9 miles) northwest of Kirkuk, in northern Iraq, houses U.S. military forces alongside Iraqi forces from the Federal Police and Counter-Terrorism Service, security sources said.

About 5,000 U.S. troops are in Iraq.

Algerian Journalist Placed in Pretrial Detention for Alleged Defamation

The director of an Algerian internet radio station has been placed in pretrial detention after a new charges were pressed against him, a prisoner rights group said Friday. 
Sarbacane chief Abdelkrim Zeghileche was put in pretrial detention on Thursday after the governor of Constantine, 430 kilometers (260 miles) east of Algiers, lodged a defamation complaint against him, said Kaci Tansaout, head of the CNLD prisoner rights group. 
The journalist was immediately brought before a judge who ordered his detention, Tansaout told AFP, adding that the trial was scheduled for December 31. 
In another case against Zeghileche, the court will rule on January 7 on a charge of “insulting the head of state.” 
That case is based on a complaint lodged while former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was still in power. 
The veteran leader stepped down after a 20-year rule in April in the face of an unprecedented popular movement that broke out in February and has continued since, demanding the removal of the entire regime. 
The prosecutor requested one year’s imprisonment in that case, said the CNLD, which tracks people detained in connection with the protest movement. 
According to the CNLD, nearly 180 protesters, activists and journalists have been placed in pretrial detention since June for links to the protests. 
Most have been held on charges of subverting the state, insulting the army and disturbing the peace. 

Tart-Tongued Disc Jockey Imus Dies at 79

Disc jockey Don Imus, whose career was made and then undone by his acid tongue during a decades-long rise to radio stardom and an abrupt public plunge after a nationally broadcast racial slur, has died . He was 79. 

Imus died Friday morning at Baylor Scott and White Medical Center in College Station, Texas, after being hospitalized since Christmas Eve, according to a statement issued by his family. Deirdre, his wife of 25 years, and his son Wyatt, 21, were at his side, and his son Lieutenant Zachary Don Cates was returning from military service overseas. 

Imus survived drug and alcohol woes, a raunchy appearance before President Bill Clinton and several firings during his long career behind the microphone. But he was vilified and eventually fired after describing a women’s college basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.“ 

His April 2007 racist and misogynist crack about the mostly black Rutgers squad, an oft-replayed 10-second snippet, crossed a line that Imus had long straddled as his rants catapulted him to prominence. The remark was heard coast to coast on 60 radio stations and the MSNBC cable network. 

Despite repeated apologies, Imus — just 10 years earlier named one of Time Magazine’s 25 most influential Americans — became a pariah for a remark that he acknowledged was “completely inappropriate … thoughtless and stupid.“ 

National radio talk show host Don Imus hosts his 10th annual 'Kiss Me, I'm Imus' St. Patricks Day radio show via WTKK-FM,…
FILE – Radio talk show host Don Imus hosts his 10th annual “Kiss Me, I’m Imus” St. Patricks Day show via WTKK-FM, March 17, 2009, in Boston.

Lost show, but won settlement

His radio show, once home to presidential hopefuls, political pundits and platinum-selling musicians, was yanked eight days later by CBS Radio. But the shock jock enjoyed the last financial laugh when he collected a reported multimillion-dollar settlement of his five-year contract with the company. 

Imus’ unsparing on-air persona was tempered by his off-air philanthropy, raising more than $40 million for groups including the CJ Foundation for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. He ran a New Mexico ranch for dying children, and often used his radio show to “solicit“ guests for donations. 

A pediatric medical center bearing Imus’ name was opened at the Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. 

Imus, born on a Riverside, California, cattle ranch, was the older of two boys — his brother Fred later became an Imus in the Morning show regular. The family moved to Flagstaff, Arizona, where Imus joined the Marines before taking jobs as a freight train brakeman and uranium miner. 

Only at age 28 did he appear on the airwaves. His caustic persona, though it would later serve him well, was initially a problem: Imus was canned by a small station in Stockton, California, for uttering the word “hell.“ 

The controversy only enhanced his career, a pattern that continued throughout the decades. 

More awards

Imus, moving to larger California stations, earned Billboard’s “Disc Jockey of the Year“ award for medium-sized markets after a stunt where he ordered 1,200 hamburgers to go from a local McDonald’s. 

His next stop was Cleveland, where he won DJ-of-the-year honors for large markets. By 1971, he was doing the morning drive-time show on WNBC-AM in New York, the nation’s largest and most competitive radio market. Imus brought along a destructive taste for vodka, along with a growing reputation for irascibility. 

In 1977, Imus was ignominiously dismissed by WNBC and dispatched to the relative anonymity of Cleveland. Within two years, though, he turned disaster into triumph, returning to New York and adding a new vice: cocaine. While his career turned around, his first marriage, which produced four daughters, fell apart. 

Imus struggled with addiction until a 1987 stint at a Florida alcohol rehabilitation center, coming out just as WNBC became the fledgling all-sports station WFAN — which retained Imus’ non-sports show as its morning anchor. 

Imus’ career again soared. Time Magazine named Imus one of the 25 Most Influential People in America, and he was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame. His show began simulcasting on cable’s MSNBC in September 1996. 

Radio host Don Imus arrives at his Manhattan residence on Friday, April 13,  2007  in New York. Rutgers women's basketball…
FILE – Radio host Don Imus arrives at his Manhattan residence, April 13, 2007, in New York. Rutgers women’s basketball coach C. Vivian Stringer said the team had accepted Imus’ apology for having used a slur in referring to team members.

In the decade before his slur debacle, Imus redefined his show by mixing his comedy segments with A-list guests: politicians (Senators John Kerry and John McCain), journalists (NBC-TV’s Tim Russert and The New York Times’ Frank Rich) and musicians (Harry Connick Jr. and John Mellencamp). 

A book plug on Imus’ show guaranteed sales, and authors were soon queuing up for a slot on the show. 

Feud with Stern

But he rarely missed a chance to get in trouble, even in the good times. He engaged in a long-running feud with shock jock Howard Stern, who usurped Imus’ position as the No. 1 morning host in New York City. 

And he outraged guests at the annual Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner in 1996, cracking wise about Clinton’s extramarital activities as the first lady sat stone-faced nearby. “We all know you’re a pot-smoking weasel,“ Imus said at another point about the president. 

A White House spokesman called Imus’ bit “fairly tasteless.“ 

One year later, he was sued by a Manhattan judge after ripping the jurist on air as a “creep“ and “a senile old dirtbag.“  

A February 2006 profile in Vanity Fair contained the quote that might best serve as Imus’ epitaph. 

“I talk to millions of people every day,“ he said while riding home in a limousine after one show. “I just like it when they can’t talk back.“ 

Китай здійснив космічний запуск ракети-носія

Китай у п’ятницю здійснив перший після невдачі 2017 року запуск потужної ракети-носія «Чанчжен-5» з телекомунікаційним супутником на борту.

Ракету запустили з космодрому з космодрому на острові Хайнань в Південно-китайському морі. Це вже третій пуск ракети такої серії – після успішного в 2016 році і невдалого – позаторік.

За стартом ракети стежили тисячі місцевих жителів, запуск також транслювали в інтернеті.

Офіційні особи китайського космічного агентства заявили, що в цьому польоті будуть тестувати ключові технології для майбутніх місій.

Останнім часом влада Китаю вкладає значні кошти в розвиток космічної індустрії. Китай, зокрема, бере активну участь в новій місячної гонці – не пізніше ніж у 2030 році країна планує запустити на Місяць пілотовану місію, а згодом побудувати на ній базу.

Тисячі людей вимушено покинули домівки після нового наступу сил Асада в Ідлібі – ООН

На північному заході Сирії за останні два тижні понад 235 тисяч людей залишили свої будинки, рятуючись від бомбардувань і наступу сил президента Башара Асада, якого підтримує Росія, повідомила ООН.

За даними організації, така кількість жителів покинула Ідліб в період з 12 до 25 грудня. Місто Маарат-ен-Нуман і околиці залишилися практично порожніми, додали в організації.

В середині грудня урядові війська відновили наступ в провінції Ідліб. Це остання територія на захід від річки Євфрат, яку контролює озброєна сирійська опозиція. За повідомленнями гуманітарних організацій, жертвами авіаударів за останні дні стали десятки мирних жителів.

Загальна кількість мирних жителів в провінції оцінюється в 3 мільйони.

Метою нинішнього наступу вважають велике місто Маарат-ен-Нуман, через яке проходить ключове шосе, що з’єднує столицю країни Дамаск із найбільшим містом Сирії Алеппо. Сили Асада хочуть відкрити автомагістраль, що була закрита повстанцями в 2012 році.

Російська військова кампанія в Сирії почалася 30 вересня 2015 року. Міжнародна коаліція на чолі зі США неодноразово звинувачувала Москву в підтримці режиму Башара Асада. Країни Заходу звинувачують його в масових порушеннях прав людини.

Кількість жертв тайфуну на Філіппінах зросла до 28

Кількість загиблих внаслідок тайфуну «Фанфон» на Філіппінах зросла до 28 і може ще зрости, оскільки 12 людей вважають зниклими, повідомляє влада країни.

Тайфун із поривами вітру до 150 кілометрів за годину і сильними зливами вдарив по віддалених селах і популярних туристичних напрямках у центральних Філіппінах 25 грудня, на Різдво. Тоді повідомляли про 16 загиблих.

Як повідомляє агентство Reuters, цього року це вже сьомий землетрус на Філіппінах.

Через стихію була порушена робота транспорту, понад сто рейсів скасували, тисячі людей не могли дістатися місця призначення через припинення руху поромів.

Через тайфун близько 43 тисяч людей перебувають у тимчасових притулках.

Двоє українців госпіталізовані після авіакатастрофи в Казахстані

Серед пасажирів літака, який впав під час злету в аеропорту міста Алмати в Казахстані, було двоє громадян України, повідомляє казахстанський сайт «Литер».

За цими даними, жінка 1990 року народження і чоловік 1991 року народження отримали компресійний перелом хребта без порушення кісткової провідності.

Кількість загиблих внаслідок катастрофи літака Fokker-100 в Казахстані вранці 27 грудня зросла до 15, повідомляє влада країни. Ще 66 людей перебувають у лікарнях із травмами різного ступеня, дехто – в тяжкому стані.

Всього на борту пасажирського літака авіакомпанії Bek Air, що прямував з Алмати до Нур-Султана і впав після зльоту, було 95 пасажирів і п’ятеро членів екіпажу. Раніше повідомляли про 14 загиблих.

За даними авіаційної служби, літак «втратив висоту під час зльоту і пробив бетонну огорожу», а потім влетів у двоповерхову будівлю.

Землетрус магнітудою 5,1 стався поблизу АЕС в Ірані

Землетрус із попередньою магнітудою 5,1 стався на півдні Ірану поблизу атомної електростанції Бушер, повідомили вранці 27 грудня геологічна служба США і Європейський сейсмологічний центр.

Іранські державні ЗМІ пишуть, що пошкоджень на ядерному об’єкті не зафіксували.

Епіцентр поштовхів був за 53 кілометри на схід від Бушера, атомної станції на південному узбережжі Ірану в Перській затоці.

АЕС спроєктована так, що може витримувати набагато сильніші землетруси.

У 2003 році землетрус магнітудою 6,6 знищив історичне місто Бам, загинули 26 тисяч людей. Тоді АЕС у Бушері, що неподалік від Баму, не постраждала.

Землетруси в Ірані є частими, оскільки країна розташована на великих сейсмічних розломах.

Iran Ramps up Repression to Stop Memorials for Slain Protesters

Iran intensified its suppression of internal dissent Thursday, breaking up a memorial for a man killed in recent anti-government protests, flooding streets with security forces and slashing mobile internet access.

The repressive measures appeared aimed at dissuading Iranians from heeding activists’ calls for December 26 public gatherings to mark the end of a traditional 40-day mourning period for a prominent victim of last month’s protests, Pouya Bahktiari. The dayslong nationwide demonstrations, sparked by a November 15 government decision to sharply raise gasoline prices, marked Iran’s deadliest unrest in decades.

Iranian security forces make arrests at cemetery in Karaj, Iran, Dec. 26, 2019

♦️ویدئو کوتاه|درگیری ماموران امنیتی با مردم و بازداشت آن‌ها در بهشت سکینه#پنجم_دی

— VOA Farsi (@VOAIran) December 26, 2019

A video received from Iran and verified by VOA Persian showed security personnel detaining several people at the Beheshe Sakineh Cemetery in the northern town of Karaj on Thursday.

Family members of Bakhtiari had appealed to the public and journalists to join them at his grave to mark 40 days since his killing and had used Instagram to spread the word. They had said he was shot in the head November 16, the second day of the protests.

The family’s social media campaign to raise awareness about Bakhtiari’s killing has made him one of the most high-profile fatalities of the demonstrations.

Social media users in Iran also had called for gatherings to be held nationwide to commemorate the hundreds of other people whom rights groups say were killed by security forces using live ammunition against the protesters.

Iranian officials have dismissed the reports of hundreds of fatalities as exaggerations without offering their own death toll.

The New York Times and Washington Post reported that some relatives of Bakhtiari made it to the cemetery for Thursday’s memorial, after others had been arrested earlier in the week, including his parents, for planning the public gathering.

But the video sent to VOA Persian showed security personnel leading several people away from the cemetery as bystanders screamed and shouted abuse at the officers.

Bystanders denounce security forces at Karaj cemetery, Dec. 26, 2019

♦️ ویدئو کوتاه | بستن دسترسی به مزار #پویا_بختیاری از سوی ماموران امنیتی: دیکتاتوری که از قبر هم می ترسد

— VOA Farsi (@VOAIran) December 26, 2019

In another clip filmed at the cemetery, a woman holding the camera said authorities were blocking access to Bakhtiari’s grave. A helicopter also flew overhead. 

“The dictator is afraid even of a grave and has unleashed his hyenas,” the woman said, referring to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Other bystanders could be heard shouting “let him go!” in apparent response to a person being detained.

VOA Persian could not independently confirm the number of those arrested at the cemetery.

Social media users also reported a heavy security presence on the streets of cities across Iran for a second day.

Basiji militiamen ride through a street in Fardis, Iran, Dec. 26, 2019

♦️ویدئو کوتاه|حضور پر رنگ بسیجیان موتورسوار در فردیس #کرج همزمان با #پنجم_دی ماه

— VOA Farsi (@VOAIran) December 26, 2019

A clip from the town of Fardis in Tehran province showed government-backed Basiji militiamen riding through a street on motorbikes. 

“They are trying to terrify people,” said a man filming the scene from the window of a building.

Iranian officers deploy in a Tehran square, Dec. 26, 2019

♦️ ویدئو کوتاه | جو شدید امنیتی در فلکه دوم آریاشهر تهران همزمان با چهلم کشته‌شدگان آبانماه

— VOA Farsi (@VOAIran) December 26, 2019

In a video from the Ariashahr district of the capital, Tehran, uniformed officers also could be seen crowding the edges of a traffic circle at Sadeghiyeh Square.

A report by state-approved news agency Tasnim quoted Tehran police chief Hossein Rahimi as saying there were no security incidents in the capital Thursday, thanks to the show of force by the security services.

In another move apparently designed to thwart the calls for anti-government gatherings, Iranian authorities further reduced mobile internet access to 5% of ordinary levels on several networks, according to London-based internet monitoring group NetBlocks.

A day earlier, semi-official news agency ILNA had reported that authorities began blocking mobile internet services in several provinces because of security concerns and would extend the outage as needed.

Iran imposed an almost complete nationwide internet shutdown on both fixed line and mobile networks for a week following the outbreak of the November protests. The move temporarily stopped Iranians from sending images and information about the protests to each other and the outside world, before the sharing of material resumed after internet access was restored. 

This article originated in VOA’s Persian Service.

У Чорногорії затримали 14 опозиційних депутатів

Чорногорська поліція вночі 27 грудня затримала 14 депутатів від опозиційного Демократичного фронту, які прагнули не допустити голосування за закон про свободу релігії.

Інцидент стався о 2:30 за місцевим часом, коли депутати від владної коаліції відкинули всі зміни до закону запропоновані опозицією.

Дебати щодо закону тривали в напруженій ситуації. Поліція в четвер вранці заблокувала будинок парламенту й кілька центральних вулиць. Прихильники опозиції, очолювані священиками Сербської православної церкви (СПЦ), увпродовж дня протестували й блокували шляхи й мости в Подгґориці та ще кількох містах.

Премʼєр-міністр Душко Маркович на вимогу опозиції зустрівся з митрополитом Амфілохієм, головою СПЦ в країні, й запевнив його, що новий закон не спрямований проти церкви.

Патріарх СПЦ Іриней перед тим прийняв лідерів чорногорської опозиції й надав їм благословіння на всі види протесту.

Новий закон, який ухвалили після затримання опозиціонерів, передбачає що майно, яке не було власністю церков до 1918 року, стає державною власністю. Опозиція та ієрархія СПЦ вважають, що держава таким чином прагне відняти всі церкви й монастирі й згодом передати їх Чорногорській православній церкві, яку сербська не визнає.

Кількасот пікетувальників уранці 27 грудня призупинили протест неподалік будинку парламенту й зібралися в центральному храмі в Подґориці.

Європейський союз розглядає питання про членство Чорногорії в цьому об’єднанні. У 2017 році ця балканська країна вступила до НАТО.

Прозахідний президент Чорногорії Міло Джуканович звинуватив Сербську православну церкву в просуванні просербської політики в країні та прагненні підірвати її державність.

Сербська православна церква є провідною релігійною організацією в Чорногорії, країні, більшу частину з 620 тисяч населення якої складають православні християни. Чорногорія відокремилася від своєї сусідки Сербії понад 10 років тому.

Australia’s Wildfires Threaten Sydney Water Supplies

Australian authorities said Friday they are focused on protecting water plants, pumping stations, pipes and other infrastructure from intense bushfires surrounding Sydney, the country’s largest city.

Firefighters battling the blazes for weeks received a reprieve of slightly cooler, damper conditions over Christmas, but the respite is not expected to last long.

Temperatures in New South Wales (NSW) state are forecast to head back toward 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) early next week, fueling fires near Warragamba Dam, which provides water to about 80% of Sydney’s 5 million residents.

“In recent days up to the cool change, the fires had been a potential threat to supply and assets, particularly in Warragamba and in the Blue Mountains,” a spokesman for the state’s water authority, WaterNSW, told Reuters. “With the coming very hot conditions the fire situation may escalate in both those fronts and possibly elsewhere.”

Warragamba Dam is 65km (40 miles) west of Sydney, catching water flowing from the mountains.

FILE PHOTO: Dick Pearson from the Sydney Catchment Authority stands in front of Sydney's Warragamba Dam to show the lowest…
FILE – Dick Pearson from the Sydney Catchment Authority stands in front of Sydney’s Warragamba Dam to show the lowest level the dam has ever been.

It is at 44.8% capacity, down from almost being full less than three years ago, as a prolonged drought ravages the continent’s east.

40 New South Wales dams

Despite the widespread destruction, the state’s water infrastructure network has not been damaged, the spokesman said.

With more than 40 dams across the state, WaterNSW supplies two-thirds of untreated water to the state’s water utilities, which then treat and clean the resource to provide drinking water to cities and regional towns.

Large quantities of ash and burned material could pose a threat to the quality of water in the dams if the fires are followed by heavy rain.

However, there is no significant rain forecast for NSW in the short-term and WaterNSW has put containment barriers to catch potential debris run-off, the water authority said.

Members of the Horsley Park RFS are seen at a memorial for volunteer firefighters Andrew O'Dwyer and Geoffrey Keaton, who died…
Members of the Horsley Park RFS honor volunteer firefighters Andrew O’Dwyer and Geoffrey Keaton, who died when their firetruck was struck by a falling tree as it traveled through the front line of a fire, in Horsley Park, NSW, Dec. 20, 2019.

Volunteer firefighters

Australia’s reliance on a large volunteer firefighting force has been tested during this fire season that potentially has months to run through the southern hemisphere summer.

While conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison previously said compensation for volunteers was not a priority, he said Tuesday that government workers could receive additional paid leave for volunteering.

A senior government minister said Friday the government was now looking into providing wider relief.

“The prime minister is looking at this issue further on how we can provide targeted support in these extreme circumstances so that our volunteers get the support they need to keep volunteering,” Defense Minister Linda Reynolds told media in Perth.

While there are different rules across Australia’s states, volunteers tend to negotiate time off directly with their employer.

Morrison has been under intense political pressure after it was revealed he was holidaying in Hawaii shortly before Christmas while the country grappled with an emergency and two volunteers near the fire frontlines had been killed. Eight deaths, including the two volunteer firefighters, have been linked to the blazes since they flared in spring.

Fires destroy millions of hectares

Fires are traveling immense distances through bushland before hitting towns and containment lines where volunteer firefighters concentrate their resources.

The bushfires have destroyed more than 4 million hectares (9.9 million acres) across the country, dwarfing the terrain burnt by fierce fires in California during 2019.

Fury Grows After Protest Deaths in Indian Muslim Neighborhood

 Zaheer Ahmed had just returned home from work in northern India last Friday afternoon and stepped out for a smoke before lunch.

Minutes later, he was dead, shot in the head.

His death, and the killing by gunfire of four other Muslim men the same afternoon in the mainly Muslim neighborhood, made it the most intense burst of violence in two weeks of protests.

India has been convulsed by the broadest unrest in at least seven years after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government brought in a law that many see as discriminatory against Muslims, who make up 14% of the population.

All of the families of the five dead men say they were shot and killed by police as a protest flared against the new law.

Reuters could not independently verify those accounts, and none of the more than 20 individuals Reuters interviewed saw police open fire.

Police say they used baton charges and teargas, and opened fire to control the crowd but did not kill anyone.

Police add that the men must have been killed by violent armed protesters whose shots went astray. An investigation into the violence is under way.

In the aftermath, distrust and anger between the Muslim community in the area where the deaths happened and security forces has deepened, as protests to the law enter their third week.

The clashes on Dec. 20 erupted around Lisari Gate after Friday afternoon’s Muslim prayers.

Residents say police broke several CCTV cameras in the area before the violence began.

Reuters was unable to independently verify those accounts, but did review CCTV footage from two cameras on shops in the area. In both cases, the footage ends abruptly after a policeman waving a baton is seen trying to hit the cameras.

Akhilesh Singh, the police superintendent of the Meerut City zone, said police had not destroyed any cameras and that all of the victims were involved in what he called rioting.

“Obviously they must be in the midst of the violence. That’s why they must have been killed,” Singh told Reuters.

Police have cracked down on the demonstrations that have spread across India, but Uttar Pradesh state, where Meerut is located, has seen the worst violence. At least 19 of 25 deaths have taken place there.

Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state with roughly 200 million people, is ruled by a Hindu priest and has a history of deadly Hindu-Muslim clashes.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said in a televised statement last week that he would take “revenge” against those behind the violence and make them pay for the public damage.

How Zaheer died

Zaheer Ahmed’s home lies in a jumble of lanes that make up the crowded Lisari Gate area. The 45-year-old, who sold cattle fodder for a living, had coloured his hair that day for a family wedding, said his 22-year-old niece Shaheen.

When Zaheer returned from work, he told Shaheen that he wanted to smoke and stepped out to go to a small stall in the next lane that sold beedis, the small Indian cigarette.

Zaheer’s friend Naseem Ahmed was standing in the lane across the beedi stall at the time, Naseem said. He described seeing Zaheer buy the beedi and sit down on a ledge next to the shop.

Around that time, there was chaos on the main road beyond the lanes, Shaheen and several other residents said. They said they could hear the sound of people screaming and saw teargas clouds. Many men ran into the lanes, some followed by police.

“I suddenly saw Zaheer fall down,” said Naseem, adding that he had seen some policemen rushing into the lane just before. “I thought he fell unconscious. It all happened within minutes.”

Through the clouds of teargas, Shaheen said she heard someone scream that Zaheer had been shot.

Neighbors brought his body home.

“I don’t know who engaged in the violence, but my husband didn’t,” said his wife Shahajahan. “Why did they kill my innocent husband? How can they kill innocent people?”

The families of the other four men who died that day said the men were either out for work or prayers when they were hit by gunfire. None of them have received post-mortem reports.

According to their families, Mohammed Mohsin was buying fodder for cattle. Asif, a tyre mechanic, had stepped out to fix tyres at someone’s home. Another man called Asif, a rickshaw-driver, was returning home after prayers. Aleem Ansari had gone to the restaurant where he worked making rotis, the Indian bread.

Many people in the impoverished area use just one name.

“Deadly force”

Thousands of people have taken to streets across India to demand the government rescind the Citizenship Amendment Act enacted by parliament on Dec. 11.

It gives minorities who migrated from three neighboring countries a path to citizenship, except for Muslims. Critics say it is an attack on India’s secular foundations.

“He was shot dead by police. They shot him in the head and killed him,” said Ansari’s mother Saira. “I swear if I find that policeman I will not spare him.”

Reuters reviewed a copy of a case report of the violence that day that police registered at the Lisari Gate police station.

The report dated Dec. 20 includes a police officer’s statement that a crowd of about 1,000 protesters armed with sticks charged down the main road at around 2:30 p.m.

Police asked them to disperse, saying the large gathering was not permitted, according to the police report. The officer who filed it, Ajay Kumar Sharma, did not immediately respond to calls for comment.

“Suddenly there was chaos when the crowd started pelting stones at us and firing at us,” the report says. In response, police used batons and fired tear gas and rubber bullets, the statement says.

Singh, the Meerut police superintendent, said the police and paramilitary personnel around Lisari Gate that day were armed with AK-47 rifles, pistols and chilli bombs.

Human Rights Watch has said Indian police have used “unnecessary, deadly force” in controlling the protests.

At a hospital in Meerut, two paramilitary policemen being treated said they were injured when fired at by protesters last Friday. A doctor said they had been treated for bullet injuries on the leg and forearm.

When asked about civilians who had been shot and killed, one of them, Vidya Dhar Shukla, sat up on his bed. “There was so much chaos, who knows where the damned people died?”

“If I had a gun I would fire at them that day,” he said. “India shouldn’t harbor such snakes.”

Trump Lashes Out Against Democratic Lawmakers over Impeachment

U.S. President Donald Trump continued to lash out at Democratic lawmakers over his impeachment Thursday as a legislative standoff continues over a Senate impeachment trial.

“The Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats said they wanted to RUSH everything through to the Senate because ‘President Trump is a threat to National Security’ (they are vicious, will say anything!), but now they don’t want to go fast anymore, they want to go very slowly. Liars!,” Trump write on Twitter.

The Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats said they wanted to RUSH everything through to the Senate because “President Trump is a threat to National Security” (they are vicious, will say anything!), but now they don’t want to go fast anymore, they want to go very slowly. Liars!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2019

On a near straight party line vote, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against Trump last Wednesday, making him only the third U.S. president to be impeached in the country’s 243-year history. He is accused of abusing the power of the presidency to benefit himself politically and then obstructing congressional efforts to investigate his actions.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., readies to strike the gavel as she announces the passage of article II of impeachment against President Donald Trump, Dec. 18, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
FILE – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., readies to strike the gavel as she announces the passage of article II of impeachment against President Donald Trump, Dec. 18, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington.

House Speaker Nancy  Pelosi  has indefinitely postponed the sending of the articles of impeachment to Republican-controlled Senate so a trial can begin.  She has she will not act until the Senate agrees on rules governing the process.

Last week, U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell dismissed calls by Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer to hear testimony from four officials during a Senate impeachment trial, including former National Security Adviser John Bolton and Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.  The officials had refused to testify during the House impeachment inquiry of the president.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., speaks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Dec. 19, 2019.

On Monday, however, McConnell softened his position, saying Republicans have not ruled out calling witnesses in Trump’s impeachment trial.

“We haven’t ruled out witnesses,” McConnell told “Fox & Friends.” on Monday. “We’ve said, ‘Let’s handle this case just like we did with President Clinton.’ Fair is fair.”

In addition to testimony from key witnesses, Schumer said Monday he also wants relevant emails and other documents that “will shed additional light on the administration’s decision-making regarding the delay in security funding to Ukraine.”

“It’s hard to imagine a trial not having documents and witnesses,” Schumer said, “If it does’nt have documents and witnesses, it’s going to seem to most of the American people that it is a sham trial. Not to get at the facts.”

Trump’s impeachment stems from a July call with Ukraine’s president in which Trump asked for an investigation into Joe Biden, a former vice president and a leading Democratic rival to Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump has insisted he did nothing wrong in his push to get Ukraine to investigate Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s lucrative work for a Ukrainian natural gas company.  Trump had also called for a probe into a debunked theory that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election.

Trump made the appeal for the Biden investigations at a time when he was temporarily withholding $391 million in military aid  Kyiv wanted to help fight pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The U.S. president eventually released the money in September without  Zelenskiy launching the Biden investigations, proof, Republicans have said, that Trump had not engaged in a reciprocal quid pro  quo deal, the military aid in exchange for the Biden probe.

Trump has on countless occasions described his late July call with Zelenskiy as “perfect,” when he asked him to “do us a favor,” to investigate the Bidens and Ukraine’s purported role in the 2016 election. As the impeachment controversy mounted, Trump has subsequently claimed the “us” in his request to Zelenskiy referred not to him personally but to the United States.




China Slams US Defense Act Over Trade Restrictions

Beijing on Thursday said it “firmly opposes” trade restrictions included in a new U.S. defense act, having already admonished the bill for interfering in China’s internal affairs.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) — signed into law last week —  bars the use of federal funds to buy railcars and buses from China, and slows the lifting of sanctions on tech giant Huawei.

It comes as Beijing and Washington have agreed to a temporary truce in their bruising nearly two-year trade war, with a “phase-one” deal that has rolled back tariffs on billions of dollars worth of goods.

“We have noted that the U.S. defense authorization act… contains a number of adverse provisions against Chinese enterprises, which China firmly opposes,” Chinese commerce ministry spokesman Gao Feng said at a regular briefing.

The act is expected to dent the bottom lines of two Chinese companies: state-owned railcar maker CRRC Corp. and BYD Motors, which sells electric buses in the US.

New restrictions contained in the bill prevent Washington from taking Huawei off a U.S. Commerce Department list that bans American firms from working with the company without specific exemptions.

U.S. intelligence chiefs claim Huawei’s equipment is a threat to national security as the United States and other nations introduce next-generation mobile networks.

“China will pay close attention to the impact on Chinese enterprises during the implementation of the bill, and take all necessary measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises,” Gao said, without offering details of the possible countermeasures.

U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer had said China had agreed to purchase $200 billion worth of American goods over the next two years as part of the mini-deal, but the Chinese side is yet to confirm the details.

“At present, China and the United States are carrying out the necessary procedures of legal review, translation and proofreading, and are in close communication on the subsequent steps toward signing the agreement,” Gao said.

The NDAA also calls for strengthening Washington’s ties with Taiwan and support for Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protestors — measures which on Saturday Beijing said “blatantly interfered” in its internal affairs.

Border Crossings: Sons of Serendip

Billboard charting quartet, “Sons of Serendip,” won the hearts of fans and judges alike as finalists on the NBC program, “America’s Got Talent” with their interpretations of pop music, arranged with a unique blend of vocals, harp, piano and cello.  The group has released three successful albums, “Sons of Serendip, Christmas: Beyond the Lights and Life and Love.”

Росія: Навальний заявляє, що його не затримали, а «просто виволокли з офісу»

Російський опозиціонер Олексій Навальний заявляє, що силовики не затримали його 26 грудня під час обшуків у його Фонді боротьби з корупцією в Москві, а «просто силою виволокли з офісу».

Раніше про затримання Навального повідомила речниця ФБК Кіра Ярмиш.

Навальний повідомив, що обшуки у ФБК пов’язані з фільмом фонду про прем’єр-міністра Росії Дмитра Медведєва «Він вам не Дімон», який вийшов навесні 2017 року.


Силовики виламали двері, заклеїли камери відеоспостереження і почали вилучати техніку.

У вересні й жовтні поліція Росії провела масові обшуки в штабах Навального в регіонах у справі про відмивання грошей у Фонді боротьби з корупцією. За версією слідства, співробітники ФБК незаконно отримали 75 мільйонів рублів, після чого нібито перевели ці гроші на рахунки фонду.

У ФБК звинувачення відкидають.

Читайте ще: У Росії соратника Навального викрали з квартири і літаком доправили «служити» в Арктику – ФБК

У Москві затримали російського опозиціонера Навального

У московський офіс заснованого російським опозиціонером Олексієм Навальним Фонду боротьби з корупцією прийшли з обшуком співробітники правоохоронних органів Росії. Вони виламали двері і заклеїли камери відеоспостереження.

Навального затримали силою і вивели, повідомила прессекретар ФБК Кіра Ярмиш. Вона уточнила, що опозиціонер не чинив опору.

Навальний повідомив, що обшук і затримання пов’язані з фільмом ФБК про прем’єр-міністра Росії Дмитра Медведєва «Він вам не Дімон», який вийшов навесні 2017 року.

За словами соратника Навального Леоніда Волкова, в офісі в момент появи поліції перебувало близько сорока людей. За 20 хвилин до обшуків була заблокована карта для пожертвувань.

У співробітників ФБК у ході обшуків забрали ноутбуки, їх випустили з офісу, де залишилися тільки юристи і поліцейські.


У вересні й жовтні поліція Росії провела масові обшуки в штабах Навального в регіонах у справі про відмивання грошей у Фонді боротьби з корупцією. За версією слідства, співробітники ФБК незаконно отримали 75 мільйонів рублів, після чого нібито перевели ці гроші на рахунки фонду.

У ФБК звинувачення відкидають.

Читайте ще: У Росії соратника Навального викрали з квартири і літаком доправили «служити» в Арктику – ФБК

Путін пропонує використовувати безпілотники на військовій базі Росії в Киргизстані

Президент Росії Володимир Путін 26 грудня вніс на розгляд Держдуми протокол, який дозволить ввести до складу об’єднаної російської військової бази в Киргизстані підрозділи безпілотників і використовувати їх для польотів над цією країною.

Документ розміщений у думській електронній базі даних, сам протокол був підписаний в Бішкеку 28 березня 2019 року.

«Угода доповнюється термінами, що стосуються безпілотних авіаційних систем і безпілотних літальних апаратів. Усуваються невідповідності між законодавством Росії і Киргизстану щодо використання безпілотних літальних апаратів, а також встановлюється порядок організації польотів безпілотних літальних апаратів і повітряних суден Росії в повітряному просторі Киргизької республіки, – йдеться в пояснювальній записці до документа. – Вступ у силу протоколу дозволить російській стороні ввести до складу об’єднаної російської військової бази підрозділ безпілотних літальних апаратів і організувати їх застосування».


У протоколі, який запропоновано ратифікувати Думі, також прописана «щорічна орендна плата за використання російською стороною земельних ділянок і ділянки акваторії: 4 мільйони 794 тисяч 095 доларів США». Раніше Росія платила Киргизстану за оренду авіабази в рази меншу. Одночасно розмір орендованих ділянок зросте на 58,32 гектара, вказується в пояснювальній записці.

Росія використовує в Киргизстані як свою авіабазу Кант – військовий аеродром у Чуйській області за 20 кілометрів на схід від Бішкека – і позиціонує її як основний аеродром для підтримки з повітря Колективних сил швидкого розгортання ОДКБ (Організація договору про колективну безпеку, до якої входять Росія, Киргизстан, Вірменія, Білорусь, Казахстан і Таджикистан.). На аеродромі дислокована військова частина 20022, в якій служать 500 російських офіцерів, прапорщиків і військовослужбовців за контрактом.