Month: July 2023

Target ‘Niche’ Chinese Travelers, Not Numbers, Tourism Experts Tell Africa

African countries are investing heavily in trying to attract tourists from the world’s biggest outbound travel market, China, as they battle to recover from losses suffered during the travel bans of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“COVID wiped out large parts of tourism industries, especially in poorer parts of the world like Africa,” said Mike Fabricius, a specialist in tourism management, consulting and marketing for his Johannesburg-based company, The Journey. “Some African countries rely heavily on the foreign exchange that tourists bring in and the money they spend in domestic markets. To lose that for a few years was a heavy, heavy blow.”

In 2019, before the pandemic, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) estimated that tourism in Africa had a yearly growth rate of 5% and contributed an average of 8.5% to GDP.

The WTTC said direct investments into the tourism sector were about $29 billion, and that tourism created jobs for 24.3 million direct employees, accounting for 6.4% of Africa’s total working population.

It estimated that COVID-19 travel bans cost Africa at least a third to half of these numbers.

“We saw similar losses across all major African tourism markets,” said Peter Masila, a tourism lecturer at Moi University in Kenya.

Nomasonto Ndlovu, chief operations officer of South African Tourism, said 500,000 jobs were lost in the local tourism sector because of the pandemic.

“We’re confident of a good recovery by end 2024, especially because we’re targeting tourists from a huge market like China,” she said.

In 2019, 155 million Chinese tourists visited foreign destinations.

“It’s true that relatively few chose to come to Africa,” said Ndlovu. “Only 95,000 visited South Africa in 2019. So, we can’t blame COVID entirely for low numbers of Chinese visitors. As far as South Africa’s concerned, we’re now spending a lot of money on new plans and strategies to win more Chinese over, and I know other African countries are doing the same.”

Discounts on airfare

South Africa, Egypt, Kenya and Tanzania are some of the countries now offering more direct flights to China.

Kenya is partnering with Chinese social media platforms and marketing attractions such as the Maasai Mara game reserve on WeChat and TikTok.

Tanzania’s national airline is offering discounts of up to 50% on flights to and from China. Still, the country’s tourism board projects that only 45,000 Chinese will have visited Tanzania by the end of the year.

But Fabricius said African authorities were placing too much emphasis on numbers.

He has worked on tourism projects in China and elsewhere for the United Nations and the World Bank and formulated strategies for global tourism authorities.

“I don’t think Africa’s a place for the mass tourism Chinese market,” said Fabricius.

“The Chinese market has evolved a lot. It used to be thrown in one pot, like the Chinese only travel in big groups and take lots of pictures; they only go to the big places,” he said. “But with a new generation of travelers, there’s no longer such a thing as ‘the Chinese tourist’; it’s become a lot more diversified and segmented.”

Fabricius said the Chinese mass market remained focused on “iconic” international travel destinations, such as New York, Paris and London.

“Africa’s not going to attract that bulk market; it remains a niche destination for the Chinese,” he said. “So, what you want to do is attract Chinese tourists with focused interests in things like culture, wildlife and exploring.”

Rosemary Anderson, chairperson of the FEDHASA organization, which represents hospitality industries across Southern Africa, said continental authorities should indeed be promoting “unique experiences.”

“We have rich cultural assets and diverse experiences” she said. “South Africa, for example, offers every experience imaginable — wildlife safaris, stunning landscapes, vibrant culture and adventure activities. We need to emphasize experiences that are distinctive.”

‘Visa access is essential’

According to Anderson and Fabricius, government inefficiency and complicated visa requirements remain challenges to African efforts to lure Chinese tourists.

“Visa access is essential,” Fabricius said. “It’s no good having all this slick marketing and then your government lets you down by making it hard for the Chinese to get visas.”

Anderson agreed. “Although we (South Africa) have an e-Visa system that accepts applications by Chinese nationals, the process remains cumbersome and is not fully optimized.”

She suggested that marketing initiatives should span both the public and private sectors, ensuring that messaging is targeted to attract diverse budgets, ages, travel interests, preferences and travel motivations.

“We also need to do more to ensure that destination and product information is available on Chinese search engines and marketing on Chinese social media channels, like Weibo and WeChat,” she said.

Fabricius said efforts to attract Chinese visitors should “actually begin at home,” not in Beijing.

“China is Africa’s biggest trade partner, and many thousands of Chinese business travelers are visiting the continent every day,” he said.

“That creates another opportunity: These people who come on a business trip and then after that they tell others about their experiences and that creates a second wave of the leisure travel market,” he said.

This story originated in VOA’s English to Africa Service.

Experts: Vietnam May Benefit as US Companies De-risk Supply Chains Now in China

WASHINGTON – Vietnam is well-positioned to draw U.S. investors seeking to de-risk supply chains now in China, but closer economic integration between Hanoi and Washington appears unlikely to lead to political realignment, according to experts.

Addressing local media in Hanoi during a recent visit, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen hailed Vietnam as “a key partner” in the effort to reduce dependence on China by expanding manufacturing in the U.S. and with trusted partners.

“Vietnam welcomes the U.S. ‘friendshoring,’ which is beneficial to both countries and contributes to Vietnam’s growth,” Le Dang Doanh, an economist in Hanoi who served as an adviser to the late Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet, told VOA Vietnamese in a phone interview.

Friendshoring is the practice of focusing supply chain networks in countries regarded as political and economic allies.

Carl Thayer, emeritus professor with the University of New South Wales in Australia, said closer economic integration between Vietnam and the U.S. will not lead to Hanoi realigning with Washington against Beijing, he wrote to VOA in an email.

“Vietnam and the United States already have a substantial economic relationship. The further development of this relationship will be based on mutual benefit,” he said. “China is more concerned about Vietnam’s potential security and defense relations with the United States than it is with their bilateral economic relations.”

Beijing, however, is “extremely sensitive to any U.S.-Vietnam economic relationship that undermines China’s interests,” he said, stressing “neither Beijing or Hanoi view economic relations as a zero-sum game.”

Doanh said he has seen a shift of foreign direct investment (FDI) flows from China to Vietnam, especially since trade tensions began increasing between the U.S. and China during the Trump administration. A bilateral trade agreement that came into effect in 2001 facilitated Vietnamese exporting to the U.S., he said.

Vietnam “has no ambition” of attracting U.S. businesses to completely relocate from China given that “they are already well-entrenched there after many years of investment with billions of dollars,” Doanh said.

“Vietnam just expects them to shift parts of their production, which makes it more convenient to export to the U.S.,” he said. “Vietnam continues to attract FDI to match its advantages like cheap, young and productive labor.”

Hanoi, fearing possible retaliation from China, may want to keep Washington at a remove.

“Given the intensifying China-U.S. competition and proximity between China and Vietnam, Hanoi may feel reluctant to formally upgrade its comprehensive partnership with Washington,” said Bich Tran, adjunct fellow at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Reuters in March.

VOA Vietnamese contacted the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment to seek comments on what Vietnam will do to attract more investment from the U.S. but has yet to receive a response.

Bui Kien Thanh, an economist in Ho Chi Minh City, said Vietnam’s geographic location would give it a competitive edge in any regional competition for U.S. friendshoring.

“As a neighbor of China, Vietnam is a convenient destination for companies seeking to relocate from China,” Thanh told VOA Vietnamese over the phone.

“What’s more, Vietnam is located at the heart of the most populous and the most economically dynamic region of the world, between Northeast and South Asia,” he said.

Estimates of how much of the world’s trade passes through the South China Sea near Vietnam range from about 20% to 30%.

The U.S. currently ranks second to China in terms of value of bilateral trade with Vietnam, which topped almost $139 billion in 2022. And the U.S. is the largest export market for Vietnamese-made textiles, footwear and electronics.

Thanh said Hanoi “is well-disposed to Washington” and “very welcoming to U.S. businesses.” The two countries marked 10 years since the establishment of a Comprehensive Partnership this year.

In her Hanoi speech on July 21, Yellen cited green energy and semiconductor manufacturing as potential sectors for Vietnam to join the global supply chain. In 2021, Amkor, the Arizona-based provider of semiconductor packaging and test services, announced plans to build a smart factory in the northern Bac Ninh Province. Intel has its largest assembly and testing facility in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s largest city.

Thanh said that Vietnam “cannot develop its own semiconductor industry without U.S. help,” adding, “If Intel can open its largest facility in Vietnam, other American chip makers can make it too.”

Китай надає Росії технології, які стають все більш важливими для війни – звіт розвідки США

Китай надає Росії технології та обладнання, які стають все більш важливими для війни Москви в Україні. Про це повідомляє CNN з посиланням на нещодавно опубліковану доповідь Офісу директора національної розвідки.

Звіт, який переважно цитує дані з відкритих джерел і звіти західної преси, включає також оцінку розвідувального співтовариства США про те, що Китай «став дедалі важливішою опорою для Росії у її військових зусиллях».

У звіті йдеться, що станом на березень Китай «поставив до Росії безпілотники та їх частини на суму понад 12 мільйонів доларів», посилаючись на «сторонній аналіз» даних російської митниці.

Китайські державні оборонні компанії також постачали російським державним оборонним компаніям, які потрапили під санкції, інші технології подвійного призначення, «які московські військові використовують для продовження війни в Україні», йдеться у звіті, включаючи «навігаційне обладнання, технології постановки перешкод і запчастини для винищувачів».

Читайте також: Китай продає Росії товари військового призначення – Politico

Експорт напівпровідників з Китаю в Росію також значно зріс з 2021 року, додається у звіті, і «напівпровідники на сотні мільйонів доларів, виготовлених в США або під американськими брендами, надходять до Росії», незважаючи на жорсткі західні санкції та експортний контроль.

У звіті говориться, що китайські фірми, «ймовірно», допомагають Москві уникнути цих санкцій, хоча «важко визначити рівень» цієї допомоги. Зазначається, що Китай «став ще більш критичним економічним партнером для Росії після її вторгнення в Україну в лютому 2022 року».

Китай звинувачення у військовій підтримці Росії відкидає. Днями офіційний представник МЗС КНР Мао Нін заявила, що Пекін не постачає зброю сторонам конфлікту.


Прем’єр Швеції «дуже стурбований» спаленням Корану в країні

Прем’єр-міністр Швеції Ульф Крістерссон заявив у четвер, що він «дуже стурбований» спаленням Корану в країні, повідомляє агенція DPA.

На наступний тиждень анонсована низка протестів, які можуть призвести до спалення Корану, політик заявив на пресконференції в Стокгольмі.

За його словами, тепер поліція має вирішити, чи дозволити протестам продовжуватися.

«Якщо вони будуть схвалені, у нас є кілька днів з очевидним ризиком того, що можуть статися серйозні речі», – сказав Крістерссон, не уточнюючи, що конкретно він має на увазі.

Прем’єр Швеції повідомив, що уряд доручить 15 агентствам посилити захист від тероризму.

У Швеції та Данії почастішали випадки акцій, під час яких було спалено копії Корану. Це викликало протести та погрози в кількох мусульманських країнах.

Напередодні служба безпеки Швеції попередила, що нещодавнє спалення Корану створило підвищений ризик для безпеки в країні. На пресконференції в четвер керівниця служби Шарлотта фон Ессен наголосила, що рівень попередження про тероризм ще не піднято, але країна перетворилася на «пріоритетну» мішень в очах ісламістських екстремістів.

Міністр цивільної оборони Швеції Карл-Оскар Болін заявив, що, серед іншого, Москва стоїть за антишведською кампанією дезінформації. Росія на це наразі не реагувала.


Пригожина помітили у Петербурзі, де відбувається саміт Росія – Африка

Керівник «Російського дому» у Центральноафриканській Республіці Дмитро Ситий опублікував фотографію Пригожина з послом ЦАР у Росії Леоном Додону. За словами Ситого, знімок зроблений на полях саміту Росія – Африка

Костін назвав «історичним кроком» повідомлення, що США нададуть МКС дані про воєнні злочини Росії

Напередодні газета New York Times із посиланням на неназваних американських чиновників повідомила, що президент США Джо Байден віддав розпорядження державним службам сприяти Міжнародному кримінальному суду в збиранні свідчень російських воєнних злочинів в Україні

Iraqis Protest Dinar Deterioration After US Ban on Iraqi Banks

IRBIL, IRAQ — Dozens of people protested in front of the Central Bank of Iraq in Baghdad and bank owners called for official action to stem a sharp increase in the dollar exchange rate Wednesday, after the United States blacklisted 14 Iraqi banks. 

Over the past two days, the market rate of the dollar jumped from 1,470 dinar per dollar to 1,570 dinar per dollar. The jump came after the U.S. listed 14 private Iraqi banks among banks that are banned from dealing with U.S. dollars due to suspicions of money laundering and funneling funds to Iran. 

The ban was imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and was first reported by The Wall Street Journal on July 19.

“The listing of almost one-third of the private banks as banned from dealing with the U.S. dollar will have negative consequences from many perspectives,” Haidar al Shamaa, owner of a private bank in Baghdad said at a news conference Wednesday.

He called on “the brothers at the Iraqi government to work … to undo the damage which occurred to us specifically, and to the Iraqi banking section in general.”

The 14 banks facing the ban issued a joint statement urging the Iraqi government to address the issue and warning that banning a third of Iraq’s private banks from dollar trading would not only impact the dollar price but hinder foreign investment.

Protesters organized by a group calling itself Thuwar Tishreen (October Revolutionaries), which is connected to a movement that started mass protests in Iraq in 2021, also demanded that the government take action to halt inflation.

Also Wednesday, central bank chief Ali al-Allaq told the state-run Iraqi News Agency that his institution continues to provide dollars at the official rate of 1,320 dinar to the dollar for “all legitimate transactions” including “remittances and credits for various imports.”

He blamed the current rise in the street price of the dollar on the “reluctance of certain merchants” who “do not practice legitimate activities and operations” to use the official electronic platform used for currency requests.

On Sunday, the Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al Sudani met with al-Allaq and discussed measures to stabilize the dinar price against the dollar.

A similar dive in the value of the dinar took place earlier this year after measures taken by the United States late last year to stamp out money laundering and the channeling of dollars to Iran and Syria from Iraq severely restricted Iraq’s access to hard currency.

Сенат Італії визнав Голодомор геноцидом українського народу

«Пам’ять про Голодомор і про радянські злочини проти українського народу набуває сьогодні ще більшого значення у світлі російського вторгнення та нової спроби стерти українську національну ідентичність»

US Federal Reserve Raises Key Rate; Another Hike Possible in September

The U.S. Federal Reserve raised a key interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point on Wednesday, citing still-elevated inflation as a rationale for what is now the highest U.S. central bank policy rate since 2007.

The hike, the Fed’s 11th in its last 12 meetings, set the federal funds rate – the benchmark rate on overnight loans that banks charge each other – in the 5.25%-5.50% range. That level was last seen just prior to the 2007 housing market crash, and it has not been consistently exceeded on an effective basis for about 22 years.

“The [Federal Open Market] Committee will continue to assess additional information and its implications for monetary policy,” the Fed said in language that was little changed from its June statement and left the central bank’s policy options open as it searches for a stopping point to the current tightening cycle.

As it stated in June, the Fed said it would watch incoming data and study the impact of its rate hikes on the economy “in determining the extent of additional policy firming that may be appropriate” to reach its 2% inflation target.

Though inflation data since the Fed’s June 13-14 meeting has been weaker than expected, policymakers have been reluctant to alter their hawkish stance until there is more progress in reducing price pressures.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell said any future policy decisions would be made on a meeting-by-meeting basis, and that in the current environment officials could provide only limited guidance about what’s next for monetary policy.

But he didn’t rule out action if it was deemed necessary.

“It is certainly possible that we would raise the funds rate again at the September meeting if the data warranted, and I would also say it’s possible that we would choose to hold steady at that meeting” if that was the right policy call, Powell said in a press conference after the release of the policy statement.

But Powell cautioned against expecting any near-term easing in rates. “We’ll be comfortable cutting rates when we’re comfortable cutting rates, and that won’t be this year,” Powell said.

Yields on both the two- and 10-year Treasury notes moved down modestly from levels right before the release of the Fed’s policy statement, while U.S. stocks ended mixed. Futures markets showed bets on the path of Fed rate increases over the remainder of the year were little changed, seeing small odds of a rise in September.

“The forward guidance remains unchanged as the committee leaves the door open to further rate hikes if inflation does not continue to trend lower,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief economist at Nationwide. “Our view is the Fed is likely done with rate hikes for this cycle since continued easing of inflation will passively lead to tighter policy as the Fed holds the nominal fed funds rate steady into 2024.”

‘Moderate’ growth

Key measures of inflation remain more than double the Fed’s target, and the economy by many measures, including a low 3.6% unemployment rate, continues to outperform expectations given the rapid increase in interest rates.

Job gains remain “robust,” the Fed said, while it described the economy as growing at a “moderate” pace, a slight upgrade from the “modest” pace seen as of the June meeting. The U.S. government on Thursday is expected to report the economy grew at a 1.8% annual pace in the second quarter, according to economists polled by Reuters.

Powell said he’s still holding out hope the economy can achieve a “soft landing,” a scenario in which inflation falls, unemployment remains relatively low and a recession is avoided.

“My base case is we’ll be able to achieve inflation moving back down to our target without the kind of really significant downturn that results in high levels of job losses,” he said, while noting that outlook is “a long way from assured.” He also noted that Fed staff economists are no longer predicting a recession as they have at recent meetings.

With about eight weeks until the next Fed meeting, a longer than usual interlude, continued moderation in the pace of price increases could make this the last rate hike in a process that began with a cautious quarter-percentage-point increase in March 2022 before accelerating into the most rapid monetary tightening since the 1980s.

In the most recent economic projections from Fed policymakers, 12 of 18 officials expected at least one more quarter-percentage-point increase would be needed by the end of this year.

ЗМІ: російський винищувач знову завдав удару по безпілотнику США над Сирією – це шостий випадок за місяць

Російський винищувач випустив сигнальні ракети та вразив американський безпілотник у небі над Сирією в середу, повідомляє агенція АР з посиланням на Білий дім.

Це шостий зареєстрований інцидент цього місяця та другий за останні 24 години, коли Сполучені Штати заявили, що російські військові літаки пролетіли небезпечно близько до американських пілотованих і безпілотних літаків, піддаючи екіпаж і літаки небезпеці та викликаючи питання про те, що США, можливо, доведеться зробити у відповідь.

Двоє офіційних осіб США підтвердили, що удар пошкодив дрон MQ-9 Reaper. Чиновники не були уповноважені публічно обговорювати це питання та говорили на умовах анонімності.

Під час інцидентів, що сталися за останні два дні, російські військові літаки випустили ракети, які вразили американські безпілотники MQ-9 Reaper. 23 липня вони пошкодили пропелер дрона, а у середу російські ракети влучили в безпілотник. У попередніх інцидентах російські літаки перехоплювали американські літаки на небезпечно близьких відстанях, включаючи один випадок з пілотованим літаком, який, за словами США, поставив під загрозу життя чотирьох американських членів екіпажу.


Amid Chinese Foreign Ministry Shake-Up, Wang on Africa Tour

This week as Beijing suddenly announced that China’s foreign minister Qin Gang had been removed after just seven months in the job, his predecessor and now replacement, seasoned diplomat Wang Yi, was on a tour of some of Africa’s key economies.

Wang participated in BRICS summit-related meetings in South Africa, infrastructure talks in Kenya, and pledges on debt relief in Ethiopia, meetings that analysts said illustrate China’s way of showing its commitment to the continent.

“Talk about hitting the ground running: news broke when Wang Yi was on tour as the director of the foreign affairs commission of the party’s central committee,” Lauren Johnston, senior China-Africa researcher at the South African Institute of International Affairs said of the revelation that Qin — who hadn’t been seen for a month — had been removed.

“His tour, now as foreign minister, includes South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Turkey — all big players in the Global South,” she told VOA.

Paul Nantulya, research associate for the Africa Center for Strategic Studies in Washington, told VOA that Wang’s trip to the region comes as China seeks to re-engage more with Africa in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

However he noted: “It is rather unusual to have two high-level multicountry visits within a space of six months, because remember Qin Gang was in Africa at the beginning of the year for the inaugural Chinese foreign affairs visit.”

Cliff Mboya, a research fellow at the Afro-Sino Center for International Relations, suggested it might not be coincidence that Wang was in the region when Qin’s exit was announced, noting Wang could be “coming to re-establish relations and continue from where Qin Gang left.”

Requests and Promises

The analysts noted Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria, where Qin is also scheduled to travel, are the economic powerhouses of East, Southern and West Africa. Ethiopia, a surprise addition to Wang’s itinerary, is the seat of the African Union.

According to a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, while in Addis Ababa Wang told Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed: “China encourages powerful and reputable enterprises to invest in Ethiopia and is willing to play a positive role in easing Ethiopia’s debt pressure.”

The country is billions of dollars in debt. Security there is also a concern as the strategic Horn of Africa nation emerges from a brutal civil war.

Next, in Kenya, Wang met with President William Ruto — who was elected last year and had talked tough on China during his campaign.

Nantulya noted that China is Kenya’s largest trading partner and a key security partner, and that Beijing has been “very anxious about the change of government” there and was obviously looking to cement ties.

According to a readout from the Chinese side, Ruto used the meeting with Wang to push for more infrastructure investment, despite analysts noting China has pulled back a bit recently from its major Belt and Road Initiative projects.

Kenya said it is willing to “deepen cooperation in the fields of railways, highways, water conservancy, aviation and renewable energy,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.

On his third stop, in South Africa, Wang attended security meetings related to the upcoming summit of the BRICS group of economies, which also includes Brazil, Russia and India. Wang spoke with his South African counterpart, Naledi Pandor, and President Cyril Ramaphosa.

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Wang noted that “the friendship between China and South Africa has a long history, and the two countries have forged a profound friendship of comrades and brothers.”

Steven Kuo, a senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town and author of the book “Chinese Peace in Africa: From Peacekeeper to Peacemaker,” pointed out that Chinese rhetoric around “South-South cooperation” and anti-imperialism “does strike a chord with African countries. Increasingly African countries, including South Africa, see the West as hypocritical, so there are some ideological commonalities.”

Wang also promised South Africa that China would “expand cooperation in key minerals, digital economy, clean energy, environmental protection industries, marine resource development, poverty reduction and other fields.”

Looking Ahead

Wang’s trip comes as global powers vie for influence in Africa — which is youthful, growing and resource-rich.

This week has been a busy time for Africa diplomatically, with the U.S. Treasury undersecretary in Kenya and Somalia, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dymtro Kuleba trying to get support on a trip to Equatorial Guinea, and Russian President Vladimir Putin hosting leaders at a Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg from Thursday.

The next two stops on Wang’s schedule are a fourth African state, the continent’s largest economy, Nigeria, and Turkey.

Like Kenya, Nantulya noted, Nigeria has a new government, which might be one of the reasons it was chosen, as well as the fact that Beijing is increasing engagement in West Africa. Earlier this month China’s navy visited the country amid speculation it is seeking a military base somewhere on the Atlantic coast.

In August, President Xi Jinping is expected to attend the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, along with all the other leaders of the bloc, except for Russian President Putin, who is unable to attend due to an International Criminal Court warrant out for his arrest.